Where it began
My story starts back in 2015 when I quit my full time job and moved to Suffolk on a new adventure with my partner, Sean. I didn't have a job to go to and eager to live a more creative lifestyle, I began to freelance as a graphic designer.
Life as a new business in 2015
As a new business, I found I had some spare time on my hands and having enjoyed illustrating at university, I began illustrating animals on the side (which is how my first best-selling collection 'punny animals’ was born!).
My very first design was a black cat with 'Purrfect Birthday’ as the caption, I posted it on Instagram (back when Insta was fun) and much to my delight, people loved my illustrations and asked if they could buy them.
Running an online shop
I’d never really thought about running an online shop but I set up an Etsy account, listed a few card designs and here we are today.
Over the years I’ve expanded my product range from just greeting cards, to a range of home and giftware,including tea towels, tote bags, coasters and art prints to name a few.
Moving back to Kent
I moved back to Kent in 2016 and am a proud Kent-based business. I have a lovely studio at my home in Canterbury where I illustrate my designs and dispatch all your orders from - sometimes with the help of my Mum who lives down the road.
When I became Fond Company
I re-branded to Fond Company in 2018 to better reflect the products I now sell and really started to think about it as a 'real business’.

I started expanding my collections from British Birds to Dogs, Cats, Cocktails (ok, not animal themed but I do really love them) and Rabbits - I am a life long rabbit lover and it turns out there’s a whole community of people who are just a rabbit mad. I have a Giant House Rabbit called Sirius who also lives in my studio.
My stockists
I’m delighted to have my products in Rock Paper Scissors, Canterbury and Made In Ashford and am actively looking for other wholesale opportunities - so if you know any independent shops (or you are one), please get in touch to find out more or to request a catalogue...
I really hope you’re as Fond of my products as I am.
Hannah x